분류 전체보기 803

1107. I love you, a little , a lot, passionately ... not at all

Who remembers back to their time in the schoolyard, when girls would take a flower and tear its petals, saying each of the following phrases each time a petal was torn: "I love you" "a little" "a lot" "passionately" "madly" "not at all" If there are more than 6 petals, you start over with "I love you" for 7 petals, "a little" for 8 petals and so on. When the last petal was torn there were cries ..

1101. Fix your code before the garden dies!

You have an award-winning garden and every day the plants need exactly 40mm of water. You created a great piece of JavaScript to calculate the amount of water your plants will need when you have taken into consideration the amount of rain water that is forecast for the day. Your jealous neighbour hacked your computer and filled your code with bugs. Your task is to debug the code before your plan..