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Grasshopper - Terminal game move function

Terminal game move function In this game, the hero moves from left to right. The player rolls the dice and moves the number of spaces indicated by the dice two times. In SQL, you will be given a table moves with columns position and roll. Return a table which uses the current position of the hero and the roll (1-6) and returns the new position in a column res. Example: move(3, 6) should equal 15..

SQL Basics: Maths with String Manipulations

Given a demographics table in the following format: demographics table schema id name birthday race return a single column named calculation where the value is the bit length of name, added to the number of characters in race. Solution: SELECT BIT_LENGTH(name)+ CHAR_LENGTH(race) AS calculation FROM demographics 'BIT_LENGTH' can obtain the bit length. 'CHAR_LENGTH' or 'LENGTH' can obtain the char..