나는 이렇게 학습한다/Algorithm & SQL 405

0905. Training JS #7: if..else and ternary operator

In JavaScript, if..else is the most basic condition statement, it consists of three parts:condition, statement1, statement2, like this: if condition: statementa else: statementb It means that if the condition is true, then execute the statementa, otherwise execute the statementb.If the statementa or statementb more than one line, you need to add { and } at the head and tail of statement in JS, t..

0901. Alan Partridge II - Apple Turnover

Backstory As a treat, I'll let you read part of the script from a classic 'I'm Alan Partridge episode: Lynn: Alan, there’s that teacher chap. Alan: Michael, if he hits me, will you hit him first? Michael: No, he’s a customer. I cannot hit customers. I’ve been told. I’ll go and get some stock. Alan: Yeah, chicken stock. Phil: Hello Alan. Alan: Lynn, hand me an apple pie. And remove yourself from ..

0831. Correct the mistakes of the character recognition software

Character recognition software is widely used to digitise printed texts. Thus the texts can be edited, searched and stored on a computer. When documents (especially pretty old ones written with a typewriter), are digitised character recognition softwares often make mistakes. Your task is correct the errors in the digitised text. You only have to handle the following mistakes: S is misinterpreted..