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Testing 1-2-3 본문

나는 이렇게 학습한다/Algorithm & SQL

Testing 1-2-3

daco2020 2022. 3. 10. 23:47


Your team is writing a fancy new text editor and you've been tasked with implementing the line numbering.

Write a function which takes a list of strings and returns each line prepended by the correct number.

The numbering starts at 1. The format is n: string. Notice the colon and space in between.


number([]) // => []
number(["a", "b", "c"]) // => ["1: a", "2: b", "3: c"]




1. Fetch the elements of an array.
2. Number the elements in order.
3. Concatenate the number and element into a string and return it as an array.


var number=function(array){
  let i = 1
  return array.map( str => `${i++}: ${str}`)







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